SEO Juice

SEOJuice is an Australian SEO company that offers top quality and very affordable complete SEO packages from $100 to $400 per month.

We used Bonzar extensively last year to drive in more business through our growth phase. The channel of leads that were coming through were high quality, relevant, and very receptive.

The leads were already warmed up by Bonzar through an initial discussion and were send to us at the point where they needed more specific information and pricing. This meant that we had no wastage of time and all communication we had with the leads was time very well spent as most of them turned out to sign up for our search engine optimization services and continue to renew each month with us now that we have hit 2018. So although we aren’t currently using Bonzar for his Lead gen work we are still reaping the rewards of his work.

We will definitely be using him again and we are currently expanding our services and strategies to ensure that we can take on some new clients so that Bonzar can begin outreach work again.

We already get clients through our own advertising and search engine sales funnels, but Bonzars leads are low-maintenance and high converting which is what I love about hiring him.

Dave Adamson

Dave Adamson

SEO & Web Development


Sales Cycle:
1 week to 2 months

Marketing Campaigns:
Manual Email Marketing

Campaign Duration:
1 year and 7 months

Dave lacked source of qualified leads for his SEO company.

We developed a B2B lead generation strategy that finds individuals/companies who are actually looking for SEO services.
– 2,140 contacted prospects
– Performed manual & highly personalized outreach campaigns
2 A/B split tests performed

Campaign Results:
Generated 80+ new SEO clients in 2017